
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Cafe Stools Makeover

Though I mostly share projects that dabble in felt, believe it or not, I do like home improvement projects ranging from big to small.  Some of these home improvement projects just sort of 'speak to me'.

These dated cafe stools, kept whispering to me, every time I walked into my kitchen, that they wanted a makeover.

Seriously, how could I resist?  If your furniture starts to talk to you, you really should listen.

So, I painted the stools white, using Annie Sloan's Chalk Paint in Old White. 

For weeks, maybe even months, the stools remained white.  I considered transferring a cool vintage looking graphic onto the stools.  The challenge, finding an image that both the Mister and I could agree upon. 

Finally, we decided on a grain sack design. 

I made a stencil using some painter's tape and Washi tape (yay! I found another use for Washi tape), to get the grain sack design.

Dabbing Annie Sloan's Chalk Paint in Graphite into the DIY stencil, a grain sack design was created.

The most challenging thing, trying to duplicate the same size design, in roughly the same placement, on the second stool.

In the end, I'm glad, I'm glad we couldn't agree upon an image.  The grain sack design seems more classic. It makes a statement while still subtly blending with the decor in the my kitchen.

Since the makeover, my cafe stools have been blissfully quiet.  

I think they are happy.

I know I am.


  1. L.O.V.E. I love the colors you chose and the simplicity of the design!!!

  2. Love how they look. I have two stools that I've been wanting to paint too, but can't decide on the stand out or blend in...that is the question! Love the grain sack look!

  3. Love the stools. I have such a fear of paint. It's silly I know. These look 100% better in the after.

  4. Your stools are gorgeous Amy! Love how they turned out. I agree with you... the grain sack look is classic and timeless.

  5. Oh Amy, those are just absolutely beautiful. Great job! Thanks for sharing:)

  6. These turned out so beautifully!!! I have been very tempted to try out some chalk paint but I am clueless. You may have inspired me. :)

  7. i agree - totally glad yall couldn't agree on a graphic - these are awesome! and they'll last no matter how many times you redecorate. and I too want those boots but we don't have a lot of opportunities to wear them - but they are tres chic!

  8. super cute! what a great update.

  9. I love the new look! My furniture talks to me too... and quite a few pieces are begging for a make over. I just can't seem to settle on color and design. My dinner table chairs are first on my list mainly because one is broken and needs to be replaced... so I'm looking to replace it. I have ideas of how to blend all the chairs together.. and it does involve stenciling. I have a stencil idea but I'm loving the grain sack look! Hmm. :)

    1. Sounds like you have some fun projects on the horizon. Decoding on colors and designs can be so difficult.

  10. I love the grain sack, I have that pegged for a few things too. They look fantastic, you're kitchen is beautiful.

  11. LOVE these Amy! Oh my word how I love them! I love grain sack stripes painted on furniture :)

  12. Very cool! Such a good job on them. I love it!

  13. Amy these are lovely! I think a grain sack stripe is very classic. I have 2 bar stools that have been screaming at me. I should listen.

  14. Hehe, stools were talking to you. That certainly is not a good sign ;). The love the rustic look and glad it fits better into your kitchen design now.

  15. I like the grain sack stripe. It adds just the right touch.
    Very well done. :-)

  16. Amy, I just adore these. You did a great job! I've never used the Annie Sloane paint before but now I kind of want to.


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