
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

I'm Feeling Gray

I'm feeling gray...or grey.  The good thing about feeling gray is that gray is such a trendy color right now. 

The only problem, there are so many grays to chose from.  Bluish grays, grays with purple undertones, grays that have some brown tones, pure grays, dark grays, light grays.  The list is endless.

I attempted to find the 'perfect' gray online.  I visited about 20 fellow bloggers, each claiming to have found the perfect gray.  Classic Gray, Stone Harbor, Gray Pearl, Oyster Bay, Horizon, Edgecomb Gray, was starting to feel like it would literally be an eternity before I found a color I liked.

This is what happens when it is gray {and snowing for days on end} outside.  I get bored.  I get cage crazy.  Things end up getting painted, moved or changed.

Fortunately, I'm not the only person that feels like this.  My little helper was feeling gray, too...and she couldn't wait to offer her opinion for the perfect gray and lend a helping hand.

But, to be honest, it's hard to feel too gray when the chandelier I got for my birthday finally came out of the box it has been sitting in for 2 months...

 And, the ceiling fan came down.

And, these little brackets, we found at a flea market, finally found a place to be displayed.

What do you do when you are feeling gray?


  1. Finding the perfect gray can be so hard. :) We are about to paint something else gray in our house, so I can totally relate to how your feeling. :) I can't wait to see what you do with all these fun items.

  2. I'm on the hunt for the perfect gray as well. Let me know when you find it ;) When I get stir crazy I rearrange rooms. Nothing is off limits. lol

  3. When I am feeling grey, I try to go outside. And that always helps. :-)
    I am excited to see the finished product.

  4. Grey is the worst!! I think I went through about 50 grey paint samples before I found the one that was tolerable enough to pain the whole house. In some rooms it looks blue, in others purple and in others grey. But I do love it more than the off-mauve-ish cream that the original owners painted the house. Can't wait to see that chandelier hanging!!

  5. oy! I want gray too but it too hard!! so what was ur final choice? are your rooms different colors? or do you have one color thru out? oh I cant wait to see that chandy candy and those brackets!

  6. Oh spring will wash the grey away very soon but I hope you find the right shade for painting. Love that your chandelier is going up :) when I'm feeling grey I read or I do marathon sessions of the TV show Scrubs watched it a million times still laugh every time. I think the Gray/Grey thing is American to English spelling. But I could be wrong.

  7. I have a love hate relationship with paint! Absolutely love how paint transforms a space for such a little amount of money, but hate the entire picking out and labor part of it. Can't wait to see what you chose and where you hung your beautiful present!

    1. I feel the exact same way. When I find a color paint I love, I can finally relax but the process of deciding on a color of paint is so frustrating.

  8. I love gray! It is my go to color and I'm using a lot of it in my bathroom and kitchen remodels. I can't remember the last time I felt grey...But I probably went out to the shop and built something to get over it. :)

  9. I love that you're doing some grey walls! So much fun! And that chandelier!! Ooooh..... so exciting!

    When I'm feeling grey? I usually make a cup of tea. It's my cure-all for lousy moods. :)

  10. I just bought a grey - for one small accent wall - but it looks like your shade lol !!! Love the photo of your helper helping - and that chandelier looks gorgeous!

  11. You are such a tease!! No pic of the grey wall, no pic of the chandelier hanging and no pic of what you did with the brackets! Way to keep me in suspense! My new kitchen will be 2 tones of grey and white. I have carried around a bag filled with grey paint swatches for 2 months and looked at them at all times of the day, in all kinds of light. I finally settled and purchased paint last week.

  12. I had an online friend pick my gray. If I recall the color was Sherwin Williams Perfect Greige. Then again, that might of been the one I didn't go with. Who can remember last year?

  13. I love grey! I don't think I realized how many greys there were.
    Please, please, please show us the brackets!!

  14. I've always been a fan of gray; a color I don't think I could ever tire of.. especially when it comes to fashion. :) I'm curious to see what you plan on doing with those brackets.. and to see that chandelier is up so be sure to share please!

    1. Sorry to keep you in suspense. I promise pictures are coming soon!

  15. I hope we see Spring soon.

    Pictures of the chandelier are coming, I promise!

  16. My living room and dining room are going to get painted soon I hope - this year anyway maybe :) I'm going with a more grey white instead of he creamy white I have now!

  17. Wow! I'm in love with that chandelier and I haven't even seen it all!

  18. Hope you'll share the "after" photos. You certainly grabbed your share of paint swatches! It is an overwhelming section at the store. I try to be in and out as quick as possible ;). When I'm gray, I like to bake :D! A little sugar cheers everyone up, eheh.


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