
Monday, February 10, 2014

DIY Embroidered Handwriting Keepsake

Turn your child's handwriting into an embroidered keepsake.  Those carefully written letters should be preserved and displayed.  A simple and easy way to do that, with embroidery thread.

To create your embroidered keepsake you'll need the following:  fabric, embroidery hoop, water soluble pen, needle and thread.

Enlist your artist of choice to write something onto your fabric.

Center the written sentiment in your embroidery hoop.

Begin embroidering. I used a back stitch for the letters.

To back stitch bring your needle and thread up through the back of the fabric.  I started at the top of the L.  Sew a long stitch forward, bring your needle down.  Return your needle back up, leaving space, approximately the same size as your first stitch.  Return your needle back down, where your first completely stitch ended.  Repeat.

At the end of love, I decided to punctuated it with a heart.  


Love should always come from the heart.

 Love was the first word Grace learned to spell. 

Love is what this sweet child of mine shows me every single day.

Love, written by a 5 year old, will be a keepsake I hold dear for always.


  1. Such a beautiful idea to preserve a precious talent. :)

  2. What an awesome idea. (an something I might actually be able to do). My youngest is just now writing. This is 'sew' perfect. lol

    1. Erin you really should. This is my favorite embroidered project to date...and I've made quite a bit of embroidered things.

  3. Okay, I actually think I might do this. Now, don't hold me to it, but I think this is within my skill set!

    (Look, mom! I'm not no-reply anymore!!)

  4. how sweet! and I think I might have everything to do this with already! I luv that her first word she learned to spell was love.

  5. Very clever. I like how the oder children can do it.

  6. Oh how cute! I love this idea. I could do this with my a note from my grandmother! :)

  7. This is precious. I love all your craft ideas that incorporate Grace. And your embroidery is perfection!

  8. Wonderful idea. And your work is amazing. :-)

  9. Awww. this is very sweet. I love it. I am stealing this idea too. You have been on a roll lately! I can just imagine myself being super craft lady supreme and hanging these in my craft room. An actual design element in there. Wouldn't that be novel. I mean, I've got good stuff hanging up right now....fabric swatches. Cards my babies have made me. My embroidery embroider in them. Pictures of the kiddlettes. Half-made whatevers. But no actual design. Gotta get on that. What kind of craft blogger am I?

  10. This is SO gorgeous! I definitely want to do this with Lila this year.

    (Although, the finished product might end up looking like she embroidered it, too! )

  11. I am smitten with this idea...I'm having Jacob write some stuff for me when he is here tomorrow. Then..I'll figure out how to sew it! That is the cutest!

  12. OHMYGOSH! This is my FAVORITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My niece and nephew! FOR MY SISTER AND MOM!!!!!!!!! PINNNNING!!!!!!!!!

  13. Wow, with one post, not only will you have a keepsake for your family forever, but think how many other families will make one for theirs!! You rock, girl!!

  14. What a great way to keep her handwritten/handwriting around the house! I bet she'll love seeing how her handwriting is improving from year to year.

  15. This is such a great idea! pinned it!


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