
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Valentine's Decorating

I happen to be one of those people that decorate for Valentine's Day. 

February can be a gray, dreary, cold month in the Midwest.  Valentine's Day gives me an excuse to add some happy, cheery bright colors, flowers and a heart or two to my decor and, in turn, it brightens my mood.

An easy and inexpensive way to change up decor is with pillows.

I whipped up some pillows, in less than an hour.  Using some heat transfer vinyl I customized each with LOVE and a heart.

And, those pillows are getting love...

From the dog.  Sigh.

Valentine's Day and flowers (ok, and probably chocolate) go hand in hand.

I've become a sucker for the $3.99 bouquet of roses at Aldi.  Such an inexpensive way to add some color and a good reminder that spring will eventually return.

I'm slightly obsessed with all things letter related.  I went through my collection of letters and was inspired to add an XO (hugs and kisses) for another subtle Valentine's touch.

Rustic coasters are scattered about. 

Herman, the head that usually wears my eye glasses, is donning a heart shaped eye patch...he obviously doesn't mind making a spectacle of himself for the sake of Valentine's.

Not only do I decorate the house...but I also make sure that Grace gets 'decorated'.  She has lots of heart sweaters and pretty hair accessories to wear.

Which reminds me, I need to make sure she has a chance to show off her LOVE dress before Valentine's day.

 And, though I wish this weren't the case, our front yard is still decorated with some ice cold hearts. 

Here's hoping we get some warmer weather soon and those cold hearts melt.

Do you decorate for Valentine's Day?


  1. Everything is just so simple and sweet. I love your new pillows. I wish you lived closer so you could teach me to I love Grace's outfits. :)

  2. too sweet! we have an aldis that is about 30 mins away - I wish it weren't i'd luv $4 roses. our closest store has $4 mixed bouquet and I've been slurging myself, its nice! its all so nice - not too much not too little. that painting is very beautiful. did y'all build your little window seating? I luv it. and I think your sweetest decoration, Ms.Gracie, just took the cake!

    ps. I think herman would walk the plank fer yee.

  3. I love that you decorate for Valentine's Day! I don't but I certainly love seeing the things you come up with. I get flowers from Walmart (no Aldi's here) especially during the winter months! Hopefully it warms up soon. I'm so over the cold!

  4. I love it all my friend. LOVE LOVE LOVE those pillows

  5. Yes, We decorate for Valentine's day too. I agree, we need some color to cheer us up during the winter.
    I also like to add a little love to the boys breakfast. I use my big heart cookie cutter and cut out their cinnamon raisin toast with it and add some sprinkles.

  6. I actually got my tookis to make some Valentine pillows last night. Yay pillows. :) Yours are super cute. The pooch looks very cozy next to them. Sorry your hearts haven't melted yet. Just think, February is ALMOST over. Okay, 3/4 to go, but think positively.

  7. I like your decorating ideas. It is very nice welcoming.

  8. The pillows are so cute and your window seat is awesome! My little pup would definitely take it over too. :)

    1. Thanks so much Erin. My dog is definitely no strange to seeking out comfort...and apparently style :)

  9. How have I missed Herman until now?? I might be in love with him... (Appropriate given the theme of the post...)

    1. Herman has made a few appearances on the blog. He is not a fan of having his picture taken...or being decorated but we all must compromise in this house :)

  10. Cute stuff! And, Herman is just fabulous... It's all adorable. Very creative! Now... I'm on the hunt for a Herman. ha!

  11. I love it, Amy! Heat transfer vinyl is such an addicting medium, isn't it?

  12. Just beautiful Amy. I have had so much trouble trying to cut the heat transfer stuff but you've inspired me to try again.

  13. you have love going on all over the place! and i must say herman is quite the good sport! enjoy your weekend ... i'm sure there will be lots more creative projects going on (and up) around your house. x

  14. It all looks lovely Amy and your Herman eye patch made me spit out my coffee! So unexpected!

  15. Ah-dorable Amy! My favorite is the window nook with the pillows and banner... and love how you used your water painted hearts! Grace looks precious in her Valentine's gear... loving the combination of the red (or is that deep pink) headband with the grey sweater.

  16. I love all your valentines decor. It's so cute and creative.

  17. I LOVE THOSE PILLOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!! And of course Riley in the window is the CUTEST! I wish we had a perch like that for our babies.

  18. I wish I had enough motivation to decorate for things like that! It looks fantastic. So good!

  19. Thanks Amy! I'm glad you appreciate my sense of humor.

    And, who knew you were such a girl :)

  20. Oh Amy, what cute stuff! You are going to make a valentine's day lover of me yet. I mean who can look at that beautiful window seat and not be a fan? Well, that and Grace's beautiful smiling face, of course!!

  21. Your home seems so warm and festive. I'd love to visit & have a cup of coffee! No, I don't decorate for V-day. The only holiday I consistently (TRY) to decorate for is Christmas.

  22. So cute! I decorated for Valentine's Day for the first time ever this year and I really love it! It makes the whole house seem more festive! :)


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