
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Goodwill Hunting Roundup

It's that time of month, again, when I show off my most recent thrifted finds.

So, without further ado...

This past month, my trips to Goodwill were minimal.  My only memorable trip coincidence with a promotion that Goodwill was running...bring in a bag of donations and receive a 30% off coupon.  *See if the thrift stores you shop, have email alerts.  Goodwill sends out emails with exclusive promotions, sales or giveaways. 

With my 30% off coupon in hand, I found some fun and incredibly reasonably priced things. 

First up, a brand new Clinique bag for $1.99. 

The best part, inside included a smaller bag.  The bright colors and flowers reminded me that despite the brutal winter we are having, spring will eventually arrive.  For $1.40, I couldn't pass these up.

Recently, Grace was introduced to chapter books and it was, as they say, love at first sight.  We devoured nearly every Junie B. Jones books.  As a result, we have been scouring Goodwill's collection of books.  Children's books are .59 cents.  We ended up finding 6 books for $3.54, a good deal but made even better with our 30% off coupon.  These books came home with us for $2.48. 

No trip to Goodwill is complete without perusing the children's clothing.  This time, I stumbled upon an Old Navy pea coat for $4.99 ($3.50 with the 30% off coupon).  It's way too big for petite little girl now. I figured, pea coats don't go out of style so it's the perfect thing to buy and save for her.

I spotted these brand new cowboy boots.  If Grace read my blog, she would certainly correct me and say that these were cowgirl boots.  Regardless, I wasn't sure if they would come home with us or not.  When Grace spotted not only the pink stars but the glittery stars, she was determined these boots had to come home with us.  The boots were $4.99, $3.50 using our 30% off coupon.

After any holiday, Goodwill is usually well stocked with donations of unused or unwanted decorations.  They are often marked down additionally, just to get them off of the shelves.  All Christmas decorations were 50% off.  When I saw these colorful glass bird ornaments, I couldn't resist...even though it meant I would have to dig out our recently stored Christmas decorations to store them along with.  With my 30% off coupon, this set of bird ornaments were .45 cents.

This midcentury modern styled cocktail shaker by Threshold, would not leave my cart, even though I really had no purpose or need for it.  No matter how much I tried to reason myself out of buying it, it still came home with me.  With my coupon, it was $1.05.

Thees party hats reminded me that before long, I'll have to start thinking of Grace's 6th (!) birthday.  Though I have been busy pinning ideas, I can't seem to decide on a theme.  Suggestions are welcomed!

What thrifty store finds have made their way home with you recently?


  1. All caught up on the latest posts, will see if I can get email alerts cuz I want coupon offs, I have on my thinking cap for a birthday party, and Mo was happy to learn Riley kept the warm spot.

  2. Great finds! I love the boots and the coat for Grace! She's already set with the boots, why not a cowgirl party?

  3. The prices at your Goodwill are GREAT........even without a discount! WOW! Love the cocktail shaker!

  4. You always find the coolest things! I wouldn't have walked away from the shaker either.

    1. Thank you so much Erin for your sweet comment and making me feel justified in my purchase :)

  5. i would have picked up those boots, regardless! they are too cute. and the modern shaker is perfection! i would say this goodwill run was a winner! enjoy your day;)

  6. Great finds! I must say my favorite are the boots... too cute not to have taken home! :D How about a cotton candy themed party.. or bubbles. Recently I've pinned a cotton candy themed party that was so cute.. and have been seeing quite a few bubbles related pins as well. And as someone already suggested, cowgirl themed parties are always adorable. I'm sure whatever you come up with will be amazing!

    1. I'll have to go check out your pinterest boards. Thanks for the suggestions Maysem.

  7. When my daughters were in Kinder and 1st grade, we loved reading the Junie B Jones series!

    1. We just discovered Junie B. Jones this past December and we have now finished reading all of them. Both Grace and I fell in love with Junie B. We are now looking for new chapter books. Recommendations?

  8. wow on all the great items! chapter books in kinder? that is awesome - is she into any other series? the shaker is amazing - I want first dibs if you ever go to get rid of it. and those birds - momma - the colors are ah-may-zing. and no pea coats never go out of style so you're good there. I found my great neice one that is from a vintage maker and a 3t that she probably wont fit into until she is 6 she is so tiny but the quality, detail and classic lines it was a no brainer. you did good - and grace is after my own heart pink AND sparkly boots yes maam. ;D

  9. I haven't been thrifting in ages!! I love your finds--especially the cocktail shaker :)

    Looking forward to hearing your decision about Grace's bday!!

  10. Oh my gosh, that shaker would have been 10-20 bucks in a flea market, and I would have bought it at that price! *Jealous*
    Love the coat, you are right, it will wait nicely until Grace fits into it:)
    Speaking of Miss Grace, how about a woodland animals party? I was thinking of all those cute felt guys you made for Christmas. Or maybe, she would prefer a CowGIRL party??
    Love your Goodwill posts:) Thanks!

  11. I always enjoy your Goodwill posts. I just love what you find. I love the coat and boots.
    And I can not wait to hear about Grace and her birthday party. :-)
    Maybe she is still too young for a Little House on the Prairie party? I can see her in braids and a sun bonnet. :-)

  12. Oh you should. I get alerts all the time for extra discounts or promotional giveaways (baseball tickets or concerts...none of which I have ever been interested in). And, they even send me a coupon for my birthday!

  13. Elizabeth used to love the Junie b jones books however I thing the score was the coat and boots. Also I think the cocktail shaker would make a nice vase if you're not going to be shaking up any drinks for 007 in the future ;)

  14. Those were all great deals! My latest thrift find was amazing. A granddaughter told me she wanted a china doll collection as big as her mommy and auntie had when they were girls. They each had 2. The next day, I was in the Salvation Army and there were two limited edition (only 500 made of each) china dolls, still in their boxes with the certificates. Total cost = $4! I gave them to her for her birthday and she was delighted.

  15. I can't believe all the amazing things you found. Love the red pea coat and the shaker and the books! Check out Good Reads for book suggestions. And think about starting a Mother Daughter book club. You get to meet other girls and moms and read books and everybody wins!

  16. What fun finds Amy! Put on your heels and shake up some Martini's! You are right, Pea coats never go out of style and I'm not sure pink stars on cowgirl boots will either! Love those bright colors on the birds. They would look fabulous on a white tree.

  17. Amy I LOVE your goodwill posts! You got some great stuff. Love those bird ornaments and I just love that Grace wanted the boots :) She's so special and fun!

  18. I wish our stores had such good deals!

  19. I love buying gently used kids' books! So worth it! Good call getting that pea coat 'cause they don't go out of the style and I love red :). That shaker is so fun and glamorous!


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