
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Watercolor Hearts

Watercolor hearts make beautiful decorations for Valentine's Day.  Not only are they quick and easy to make, even the youngest of crafters can make these.  Use them as decorations or pass them out to your favorite Valentine.

Go grab some watercolors, paint brushes and paper hearts (or love birds).

Starting at the top of the heart, apply watercolor which has barely been diluted with water.  As you continue working down, add more water diluting the color as you finishing painting the rest of the heart. 

Use whatever colors speak to your heart(s).

 Allow your painted hearts time to dry.

Personalize your hearts with love messages.

I've decided to write something I love about Grace, on these hearts. 

I'll add a new heart, to Grace's door, everyday leading up to Valentine's Day.

Or, if you prefer to be more pure of heart, leave your watercolor hearts as is. 

Watercolor hearts.  They kind of make my heart skip a beat.


  1. These hearts are beautiful! Love this idea!!
    Mary Alice

  2. luv them - esp that hedgehog! but I swoon at that door! those are the details I'm looking for. my new lady will look like a 100 yr old lady soon!

  3. Love the ombre look on those hearts!

  4. So sweet. We are likely to ahve a snow day tomorrow (big snow storm on it's way) this would be a great afternoon project for my girls. :)

    1. Thanks so much Erin. I think your girls would have fun making these. I hope you'll get that snow day and have some fun with the girls tomorrow.

  5. So love this! I love watercolors too, and the tradition of putting hearts on Grace's door every day leading up...I have to steal that.

  6. Love it! Especially the idea of placing it on Grace's door leading up to Valentine's Day. Super cute idea Amy! As always. :D

  7. Great idea and so special to do for Grace.
    As my boys would say " You ROCK!" :-)

  8. Oh they're pretty I might do some birds with Madeleine later this week she would love that.

  9. That's such a nice idea, Amy. I love that you're sharing so many beautiful thoughts with Grace!

  10. Love these Amy! So lovely and bright and cheerful!

  11. Aw, they make my heart skip a beat too!

  12. love your watercolor hearts ... many moons ago i used wax paper and melted crayon shavings onto it (with an iron) and cut the hearts out of that. then we just hung a bunch in a sunny window for the light to pass thru them (similar to stained glass). such fun!

  13. You are the best Mom ever! How absolutely kind and sweet:)
    I always love your super simple crafts the best, wait, most of them are super simple!

  14. I love that you add a new message to a heart each day. Talk about positive reinforcement! Mommy of the year award to you.

  15. What a wonderful mom you are to leave these encouraging notes for your daughter! She will always remember them.


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