
Monday, July 14, 2014

Garden Party - The Big Reveal

I've kept you in suspense long enough, doling out details here and there.  Your patience, sweet readers, is about to pay off, today I'll share the all the details for Grace's garden party.

To be honest, though, our garden party theme was stretched to suit whatever I came up with that had anything flower or garden related.

I like to set the tone for my parties as soon as you walk up to our house.  This year, our front porch steps read:  6 and sweet as can bee. 

6, well, because this sweet little girl of mine in what seems like a blink of an eye has turned 6.

And, this little lady, is truly sweet as can bee.  *This is where you have to agree to go along with the liberties I took in stretching our garden theme to now include bees.

Decorations included pom pom bees {inspired by bloesem kids}.  I mean, these bees were so cute, I could have done an entire bee themed party.

Since we all known bees need to pollinate and to bring us back to the garden party theme, decorations also included flowers, both real...

and in tissue paper form.

The Goodwill desk we bought, last year, for Grace's bunny themed birthday party, was used again to hold snacks for the party.  And, our salvaged {aka found on the side of the road} window, was used as a backdrop.

Flowers and greenery nestled among the goldfish.

Popcorn in individual cups, set upon a rustic wood block, next to a beautiful 'Do you suppose she's a wildflower' print.

I was also able to reuse the moss covered letters from Grace's bunny themed party.  With the addition of some flowers and bees, it transitioned well from bunny party to garden party.

The backyard was set to accommodate 14 little girls.

The chairs were decorated with more tissue paper flowers {and if you are starting to wonder how many tissue paper flowers I made...I made too many!}.  

The tables were covered in vintage fabrics found at a local flea market and fresh flowers.

 There were also stations set up outside for games and imaginative play.

Pin the flower in Grace's hair proved to be a party favorite...

Along with the flower themed punch box.

Homemade vintage aprons were tucked inside each flower.

So, each guest went home with a garden party favor bag filled with an apron, a packet of seeds, a flower pot and a flower ring pop.

In addition to games, the girls were also encouraged to use their imaginations and run a flower shoppe or a farmer's market.

There was also a garden station...

including a no dirt garden

Our party guests were encouraged to wear tissue paper flower hats.

Once corralled, we plied the 14 girls with dirt.  Choruses of 'ews' and 'yucks' were heard until their first bites and then, it was blissfully quiet. 

Worried about sending these little girls on a sugar high, instead of cake, we served a watermelon cake.  

Watermelon, cut into a cake shape and iced. 

In the end, 14 little girls came to a garden party.

And, 1 little girl turned 6 in the sweetest way possible.

To see more garden party details {budget, pictures, tips and tricks} click here.


  1. so sweet! and I LUV the idea of a watermelon cake!

  2. Everything looks adorable. I always love seeing your parties! And I don't think the bees were a stretch at all!

  3. There is not one detail that was overlooked with this beautiful party. Everything is just so sweet and Grace looks super happy! You are an amazing party planner!!

  4. Wow, what a charming party! I love the garden theme and all the sweet details. Happy Birthday Grace!

  5. Sooo cute Amy! Every detail was as sweet as the next. I'm sure you are known as the queen of parties. You really rocked it!! :D

  6. How is it that each of Grace's birthdays seems to surpass the last one? Whenever I think it's not possible, you manage to outdo yourself. Bravo! And the watermelon cake?! I'm a little obsessed with that. More details please...

    1. Thanks so much Elena. You know how much I love planning a party! The watermelon cake was easy. Get a seedless watermelon, cut it into the shape of a cake and ice it (some sort of cool whip based icing). Keep it in the fridge until you serve it.

  7. oh so beautiful and as usually not a single detail forgotten, delight!

  8. This is one of the most interesting little girl parties I've seen! Well done.

  9. Well done! I love how you had them play and just imagine things at the flower and farmers market. That is so great and so good for them to make memories playing and imagining.

    :-) I love it!

  10. Oh how stunningly beautiful...both Grace and your party! Hard to believe she's 6. Not hard to believe you threw another awesome party with tons of DIY. You should think about being a party caterer. No one does it better!

  11. OH MY!! Those gils will remember that party FOREVER! I love all the details, but my absolute FAVORITE are those pom pom bees! Sooooo cute!! I tried pinning them but can't seem to get it to work :( Beautiful party and happy belated to Grace!!!

  12. Wow as always! Such a sweet delicate theme - love all the details, the bees are a perfect addition to a garden party if it weren't for them we wouldn't have all those flowers :) xx

  13. Got my "Pin It" button to work. Just pinned those bumble bees!!

  14. Awww, loved the theme and the use of bees! You did make a lot of flowers!!! I tried to make these but I always fail. Any tips?? And great idea with that watermelon cake. Bet that was a surprise!

  15. You throw the best birthday parties!! That's one thing I suck at. I am more of a cake and ballon kind of mom :)

  16. Aw...thanks so much Amy! Of course, a week later, there was a frozen party and our garden party was forgotten about but at 6, that's to be expected :)

  17. Dirt pudding, Yum! Love the watermelon cake. Great idea!

  18. I love the family photo at the top!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beautiful party!


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