
Friday, March 29, 2013

This is Me - March Link Party

March's self portrait theme was 'looking down'.

Last month 15 brave women stepped in front of the camera and shared their reflection self portrait.

Michelle from Heart Made

Their self portraits were artisitc.

Rosie from The Frugal Freshman Homemaker

Their self portraits were interesting.

Sarah from Dwell on Joy

Their self portraits captured memorable moments.

Erin from Crafty Biggers

In unexpected ways.

Rea from Home for 4 Sweet Home
So, now is your turn.  Come out from behind the camera, capture your 'looking down' self portrait and inspire us all.

While Wearing Heels

Let's get this party are our linky rules:
  • There will be a link up here on the last Friday of every month this year, and the linky tool will remain open to your submissions until the last Friday of the next month.
  • Please link back to the permalink for your *This Is ME* blog post or flickr image, not just the general url for your blog or flickr stream.
  • Linked entries must be to a blog post or flickr image of your recent self-portraits, not just any old photo. Your photo does not have to relate to the optional monthly theme, but it does need to be a self-portrait.
  • Please do link back here to my blog either through a text link, or with my button found below to help encourage others to participate and grow our community.
  • And most importantly, be the encouragement you hope to receive and help build our self-portrait community! Please try to visit a few of the links of your fellow *This Is ME* participants and leave a nice comment--it only takes a few minutes and you may be inspired by what you see.
Well, that's get linking everyone! I'll see you back here on Friday, April 5th, for our April theme announcement, and in the meantime, keep showing us your stuff in the flickr pool.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Looking Down - March Self Portrait Challenge

This is me.

Occasionally you'll find me in heels.

Occasionally, you'll find me barefoot.

Ok, more than occasionally, you'll find me barefoot.

 All of the time, though, I am a mom.

A mom who can't believe how fast her little girl is growing up.

A mom that wants to get in front of the camera more.  A mom that wants to make sure Grace has a lot of pictures of a mom that loves her with all of her heart every day.

I can't wait to see how beautiful all of your looking down self portraits turned out.

Remember to come back on Friday and link them up.

While Wearing Heels

*And, it's not too late to join, if you haven't already.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Embroidered USA Quilt - Part 1

I've decided to tackle another USA quilt

this time, instead of hand appliqueing each state, I want to embroider each state.

Interesting in joining me?

Find a map you like.  I found mine from Mr. Printable.  Import your map into Block Poster.  Block Posters allows you to enlarge an image to poster size and print it out.

Tape the pages together, so it maintains its form.

Lay at least a yard of fabric over the map and pin it into place so it won't move.

Using a water soluable pen, trace the outline of each state and the state's name onto your fabric

And, then start embroidering.

I used a stem stitch for the names of the states and the gray border outlining the outside of each states lines.  For the inside boarder of the states, I used a back stitch.

This is what I'll be doing during my spring break.  What about you?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Edible Birds Nests

Since spring is still toying with us in the Midwest, I decided to take matters into my own hands and bring a little bit of Spring into my day by making my own bird's nests.

 In chocolate covered delicious form.

I am self admittedly not a baker, so I appreciate any recipe that calls for only 3 ingredients {chow mein noodles, Cadbury Mini Eggs and chocolate flavored almond bark}

and requires no baking {other than melting some chocolate}.

The rest of the recipe is equally as easy.  Stir in the chow mein noodles until they are coated with the chocolate.

Scoop out a spoonful of chocolate covered chow mein noodles onto wax paper and have your helper nestle a few eggs into place.

And, then, sample a few of the eggs, to give you enough energy to finish making all your nests.

Not only are these little bird's nests adorable BUT they are also delicious.

I guess while I wait for some real birds to make a nest, I'll happily pass the time enjoying these.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Specimen Art By Suburble

Looking for a quick, inexpensive fun project to get you in the mood for Spring?  Why not make an Egg-in-Nest Specimen Art piece.

Impressive Right? Sadly, I cannot take credit for this adorable project.  

The incredibly witty and very talented Tara, from Suburble, has graciously come to visit While Wearing Heels to share her Egg-in-Nest Specimen Art (which is one of many great projects  she has over at her new blog).

I guarantee she'll make you giggle.  

And, now, here is Tara and her Egg-in-Nest Specimen Art.

I was aimlessly wandering around the interweb the other day, and I came across a post on Balancing Home showing her spring mantle decor - featuring eggs in nests as specimen art. I loved the look, but Megan wrote that she had found her little nests on clearance - last year - at Target for $3. So I admired, bookmarked, and then said, "Well, unless Doc Brown drives the DeLorean onto my driveway, I guess that craft won't be happening this year!"

Then, I was strolling through the Dollar Store - like I do - and I came across these little beauties in the seasonal aisle. They were $1.50 (this particular dollar store has some things that are not just a dollar. Sigh.), but I picked up two packages. I can work with these! I feel craft-spiration coming on!

Then I opened them.

Holy crap. Is this where Big Bird's harem goes to lay their eggs? What kind of muppet atrocity is this?

Thankfully, the nests were easily "plucked". Ahhh... much better.

The original piece featured groups of eggs that were different colors (pink, blue, green). I looked at my speckled eggs and thought, "I can fix this!"

Because I didn't want the color to be opaque, I opted not to use my acrylic paints. Instead, I dug into the kids' craft supplies and came up with Crayola! I know - Martha could learn something from me, couldn't she?

Probably not.... but anyways...

I didn't really have a technique, per say. I painted with one color, and then dabbed on another color with a sponge brush. 

It requires a bit of trial and error. What's awesome is that because Crayola is washable, you can easily fix mistakes if you're a bit too heavy on one color.

And unless you have a pink paint handy, I wouldn't recommend trying out a red paint. I ended up creating something out of a vegan person's nightmare. Those eggs were promptly washed off.

I ended up with two bluish-green nests, which I quite liked. The sponge added a mottled quality to make the eggs look more realistic.

I attached the eggs to a piece of cardstock and matted it. They're attached with double-sided tape, and so far, so good! They're housed in the same frame that my It's Raining Hearts Valentine's Artwork was in. I just removed the glass in order to give it a shadow-box quality.

I'm quite happy with how it turned out! $3 in Dollar Store nests, perhaps $.10 in cardstock, and the rest was already kicking around the house! This could be a great kids' project (especially the plucking of scary feathers from the nest), but I did this project solo.

Oh! And a P.S. to this post: I understand why it is called "Specimen Art", but ugh, isn't the most unromantic way of describing it? I wish I was called "Collection Art" or something else a bit less "I'm going to dissect this in Biology class and try not to dry heave".


I want to say a big thank you to the fabulous Amy for letting me crash her pad. She is an awesome lady (as I’m sure you’re all very aware of) and I am so honoured to have the opportunity to share my eggy craft with you all.

I invite you to pop over to my own blog, Suburble, and check out what sorts of hijinx we’re up to. In honour of my very first guest post, I’m offering a giveaway this weekend! 

Click over for the chance to win the Labelling Package O’ Your Dreams: 14 adhesive chalkboard labels, 14 blue adhesive vinyl labels and two chalkboard pens: one white and one silver! These labels are cut (by moi!) from indoor vinyl and are perfect for the pantry, the playroom, the craft room, your linen closet… you name it! The chalkboard pens will write on both colours of vinyl, and the greatest thing is that a little water on a cloth wipes them clean – you can write on them over and over again!

The giveaway closes at midnight, Monday, March 25th, and is open to American and Canadian residents. And because I’m a fledgling blog with a growing audience, your chances are quite possibly much greater to win!

I look forward to meeting you!  

Thank you so much Tara for visiting While Wearing Heels.  If you haven't already, go and visit her lovely blog, welcome her into the crazy world of blogging and leave her some comment love.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Barn Wood Bunnies

Not every bunny can be the Easter bunny.

Some bunnies have a less than famous story, perhaps a more rustic story.  This bunny, well, he has a barn wood story.

His story started in a pile that looked like this.

Who knew, in that pile of barn wood, there would be a lucky rabbit's foot.

Who knew that those barn wood nails, once removed, would make the perfect bunny eye.

Who knew that every time I turned around, these bunnies would be rabbits :)

Not every bunny can be the Easter bunny but a bunny can still dream.

This barn wood bunny is off to deliver some eggs to my Etsy shop, while he waits for someone to buy him.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - Spring

Spring is technically here.  Though spring is not in the air, at least not here in the Midwest.

On the first day of spring, I wish this were my view but I'll be grateful it once was.

Daydreaming of Moorea...and spring.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Goodwill Hunting Roundup

It's that time of month where I share my Goodwill finds.  I have continued to show restraint in my Goodwill purchases but I'll let you decide that for yourself after you take a look at my purchases from the past month.

First up, I found two handbags. Handbags are my weakness.

The black handbag has a sparkly black hard case.  It's basic and could go with just about anything.  And, was only $1.49.

The beaded gold bag is obviously vintage.  The chain was missing but the bead work was in perfect condition.  Guess how much?  This one was $1.49, too!  My handbag collection continues to grow and for $3, I can't feel too guilty about it.

Sadly, I passed on this vintage vanity chair with velvet cushion.  I walked by it several times, trying to figure out where I could put this beautiful chair but in a small house, sometimes, things have to be left behind.  For $14.99, I left this beauty behind.  This Vintage Groove I know are shaking your head in disapproval right now.

Every trip I make to Goodwill, I look through the frame section.  I found an oak picture frame for $1.99, which I painted white and then used it to show off the hand embroidered Matryoshka doll which quickly sold from my Etsy shop.  Thanks Michelle!

I found this old spool of velvet ribbon for .99 cents.  Nearly all of the 18 yards of ribbon is still on the spool.

The original tags from LeeWards {where my Grandma once worked} are still on the spool and was originally $4.44.

I also found some new things to hang in my closet. 

I typically won't gravitate to novelty prints but this month I was.  The sheer sleeveless top has an elephant print, it reminded me of my grandma and made me smile and for $3.99 it will be hung in my closet.  The $2.99 mustard thermal, still with Target tags, had sweet pink birds and I am drawn to that has pink as an accent color. 

I also found a few skirts.  The pink and cream striped Old Navy skirt was bought on half off pink tag day, costing me $2.  The red and tan skirt Gap skirt was $3.99.  I can't wait for spring so I can wear both of these.

Though I showed restraint, I am still slightly tormented that I left that vanity chair behind.

What great finds have crossed your path this past month?