
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Goodwill Hunting Roundup

Before I showcase my Goodwill finds from the past month, I have a few confessions.

1. Even a veteran Goodwill shopper can be overwhelmed. I had talked my husband into taking me to a bigger Goodwill one Saturday morning. This particular trip left me shell shocked. Had it been my first trip to Goodwill, I would have sworn it off. If you like crowds and chaos, weekend Goodwill shopping is for you. If you like to take your time and peruse the aisles {like this girl}, head to Goodwill either during the day or in the evening.

2. Prices can be inconsistent. This probably depends on who is in the mysterious backroom, going through the latest donations, pricing the items. Do you remember the amazing globe I found last month for $3.99? Well, this month I spotted another globe.

The big difference between my globe and this globe...the price. This globe, was $12.99 {WHAT!!!}. I am so glad I picked up my {nicer} $3.99 globe last month.

So moving on to what I did buy...

A red polka dot summer dress for $4.99 despite the fact that not one but two {yes 2} people asked me if it was a dress for Grace. Um, no, it's not for a 3 year old, clearly it's for me :)

Brand new wool cable knit fingerless gloves,Nordstrom ticket price $10.99, Goodwill price $1.99.  Perhaps in a former life I used to be a hobo because I am a sucker for fingerless gloves.

A white bebe tote for $3.99.  I love the color wheel vibe it has.  Don't you think it just screams summer?

MISSONI for Target Exploded Floral Baby Crib Quilt brand new still in the packaging for $9.99.  Definitely more than I would typically spend at Goodwill on one item BUT as soon as I did a quick search and saw this same quilt being sold on Ebay for $70 on up, I decided to splurge and buy it.

Don't worry, I didn't forget about Grace.  As soon as I spotted this Mini Boden furry vest for $2.99, I couldn't get it in my cart fast enough.  Am I the only one that thinks this is adorable?  I might be, my husband is definitely not a fan but I rarely look to him for fashion advice.

Babo an Ugly doll for .50 cents, again, with the tags still attached.  Can you believe they sell this at Nordstrom for $12?  I'm in for .50 cents, not so sure about $12.

My love for thrifting must be infectious because on my parents last visit, they wanted to visit my Goodwill.  My dad ended up finding a  brand new, with tags, Vulcan Insulated Cooler Tote with Propane Grill and Grill Tools Inside for $9.99.  It is currently for sale at Brookstone for over $200.  My dad, examined every inch of the bag and its content in the aisle.  I could see people swarming, feigning interest in something nearby, hoping he would forgo his find so they could snatch it up. 

I even have my sister sharing her finds with me now.  She bought a Mr. Barbeque 2089 Platinum Prestige 20 Piece All Stainless Steel Tool Set, still in the package for $9.99.  This set is being sold by Amazon for $85. She also found new, never worn slippers for her husband for $3.49.

I hope I've inspired more than just my own family to check out your local thrift store or Goodwill. You never know what you'll find so get out there and check them out!

Happy Thrifting.

Currently seeking help from {she says with a smile},
Thrifters Anonymous


  1. Thanks for stopping by & following me - following back.

    Looks like some great deals. I bought a few things recently from goodwill too. :)

  2. Great stuff!! The dress is fabulous and so is the fur vest! And what a steal for the Missoni crib set...I would have done the same thing by grabbing it! Same here, I don't look to my husband for fashion sense:P I totally agree that Goodwill's prices can be a bit high...I wonder the same thing about who's pricing the items! On the same day I found the same sweater but in different colors for different prices! We just got to keep our eye out :D

    Maysem @

  3. Ca-ute dress!!!!! I need to come to your goodwill!!! The ones I've visited in our area recently haven't had anything good.

    1. Thanks Kim! I almost wish the ones here didn't have anything good. I never seem to leave there without spending something.

  4. Great finds! That dress looks fantastic on you! The Boden dress is adorable, and that little grill was a steal. I wish our Goodwills were that good, but i've got other thrift stores and garage sales.

    1. Thanks for your feedback. Though I am completely at ease thrift shopping, I get so nervous to garage sale...but I have heard that's where you can find the real deals SO this summer I am going to try and hit a few. Maybe it will inspire an 'Out of your garage and into mine' roundup.

  5. Love going to Goodwill. I have some awesome finds, too. Glad I got to read through your blog :)

    1. Kristen, thanks for taking the time to read through my blog and most of all for leaving me some feedback!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Kim! That's the problem, I find too much great stuff, though, I can't feel too guilty right?


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