
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

'The Force is Strong' with these ornaments

Luke, come to the Dark Side of the Christmas Tree.

What Star Wars fan wouldn't love their own Darth Vader or Boba Fett ornament, hand made by you?

To make this embroidered felt Darth Vader ornament...

Supplies:  black felt, white and black embroidery thread, needle and some ribbon

Directions:  Cut the helmet out of 2 pieces of black felt, using the pattern below. With white embroidery thread, begin to embroider Darth Vader's mask onto one piece of the black felt. When you have completed all the embroidery, do a simple running stitch, with black thread, to attach the back to the front and enclose a ribbon loop at the top.

Then add your ornament/gift tag to the top of a present. I, admittedly, am not familiar with Darth Vader but something tells me, he might not appreciate the ribbon accessory.

To make a Boba Fett felt ornament...

Supplies: green, orange, black and charcoal felt {I haven't ventured into expensive felts, I buy all my colors from Joann Fabrics}, some crafting glue, ribbon {for hanging}, some green, yellow and black embroidery thread and needle.

Directions:  Using the pattern above, cut all your pieces out of felt. I opted to embroider the eyes {in black} and the scratch marks {in yellow}.

Glue the mask pieces of felt onto the front of Boba Fett. The cream and black, for the antenna should be added to the back piece.  When you have completed your embroidery and your glue has dried, do a running stitch with your green thread to secure the back to the front and also enclose the ribbon loop.

These ornaments can also double as gift tags, simply embroider the name on the back of the ornament...

And give them to the Star Wars lovers in your life.

May the force be with you, should you attempt to make your own.

*Confession:  I've never even seen Star Wars before.  Shameful, I know...don't tell my nephews :)

And be sure to check out my other Christmas inspired posts:

DIY Pottery Barn Candle
DIY Advent Calendar
DIY Santa Beard
Christmas Flower Boxes
Pine Needle Gift Tags

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  1. this is excellent! my son already asked me to make him a boba fett one, thanks for the tutorial.

  2. Morgane, Thank you so much for your feedback. I always love to hear how my tutorials are received. Have fun creating your own Boba Fett!

  3. But Darth Vader is so cute with a bow!

  4. This post made me giggle twice, happy giggles. Thanks. Love them.

  5. Oh wow, those are really awesome!

  6. I love these! So geeky chic hahaha I wanted to let you know that I've included this in our roundup of Christmas ornaments on the FaveCrafts Blog:

    Please let me know if you're ever interested in publishing with us :)

  7. Sincerest thanks Karisa!!! Love the geeky chic moniker.

  8. Those are too cute! What a great idea. I've never seen a complete star wars movie only bits and pieces. :)

  9. Adorable! (Your nephews and the ornaments.)

    But really? You've never seen Star Wars? Not even the original?

  10. Love 'em! And I can't believe you haven't seen Star Wars!

  11. Whaaa? Never seen Star Wars? I'm in shock over here, as a constant childhood Princess Leia impersonator. The ornaments are super-cute. You keep raising the bar, Amy! Pinning this project for family gifts.

  12. Absolutely adorable! And I love how you personalized them in the back... the perfect touch!

  13. My boys & hubs would love this, I have never seen any of them either. In fact sometimes I have to work really hardtop keep that the case

  14. I have only seen the cartoon versions! Three boys will do that for you! Alw
    ays so clever, you are ;)

  15. Wow! These ornaments are amazing! I love that they not traditional ornaments, but characters that your boys like. so cool!

    Submarine Sunday Link Party @

  16. LOVES! Mr.Hooah would go bonkers if he saw these! He's a HUGE SW's fan! Sometimes I think he shouldve been a Jedi instead of a Soldier haha ;)
    -Carrie Eve @

  17. I'm no expert on the whole Star Wars geeky thing -- I'm a Harry Potter geek so space travel is like duh -- but I'm pretty sure I see a disturbing scowl on felt Dark Vader with the curly ribbon ...

    You may want to check the skies before you turn in tonight ...


  18. How gorgeous! Your one nephew looks a lot like Grace.
    may the force be with you!

  19. These crack me up! LOVE THEM! You could SELL THESE in your Etsy shop!

  20. These are amazing! For never seeing the movie, you kind of nailed it. Well . . . I might not be the best judge, psssst . . . I've never seen the movie either!

  21. LOL!!! Your last sentence made me laugh out loud...I have never seen them either:)

  22. How cute for the little fans. Amazing job!

  23. You came up with the pattern and everything yourself!? You are really amazing!

  24. OMG too cute! I absolutely love these, my husband would kill for one I bet. :-) Thanks for sharing at The Fun In Functional!

    1. I'm just stopping by to let you know I featured this today on my blog! You can check it out and grab a Featured button here: The Fun In Functional link party

  25. Oh my goodness.. I have a few family members that would just go crazy for these :) Thanks so much for sharing the great patterns. Pinning these for sure!

  26. Perfect for Star Wars lovers!


  27. ha ha...these are really cute. My son is just now getting into Star Wars. He'd think these were really cool!

  28. My kids would love these. But the tree is alreay decorated - bummer! ;)

  29. These are really neat! Thanks for sharing them - They probably wouldn't make it on our tree - I'm a Star Trek fan with ST ornaments ;-) - but I was thinking these would be great as tags for gift packages for birthdays!

  30. As a huge Star Wars fan, I'm loving these ornaments! Thanks for the tutorial!

  31. Any chance you will be adding these to your Etsy shop soon?

    1. I imagine there would be a copyright infringement. These will not be for sale. Thank you, though, for thinking they would be good enough to sell.

  32. Super cute! And so are those boys!!

    Thanks so much for linking up at I Gotta Create! <3 Christina

  33. I'm so making these for myself - i'm a star wars fan - i love them - i'm going to have to go a step further and make some other characters!

    1. How wonderful! You'll have to let me know if you do make other characters. I'd love to see them.

  34. Hi, Thanks very much for sharing this tutorial. I've featured it in my Top 10 list of Decorations for Kids. Hope you can stop by

  35. Fun idea...I have some grandbabies who would love to hang these on their trees...I better get busy!

  36. What a great idea for kid's (or adult) gift ornaments. Who doesn't believe in the force... and santa? Very cute - pinned - Amy @ StowandTellU

  37. Amazing! my oldest (33) would love these!! LOL

  38. I don't even have any great Star Wars line to put in my comment. :(

  39. My hubby would love something like that!

    1. Star Wars seems to be universal from the very young to the very old and every where in between.

  40. This is such a fun idea! I may have to create some for my husband and son. Love!


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