
Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

2013 had some memorable moments...

While Wearing Heels was featured in a magazine.


Last year, I made a promise to myself to get in front of the camera more.  There are so many pictures of Grace but there were so few of me.  For Grace's sake, I decided it was time to stop being so self conscious and to start stepping in front of the camera.  As a result, I was able to capture some beautiful moments, including what has become my favorite self portrait from last year. 

My sweet little girl turned 5.  FIVE!  We threw her a bunny themed birthday party that we invited her entire preschool class to...and we all survived.

The While Wearing Heels Etsy shop expanded to include more of the woodaholic's barn wood creations.

And, of course, there were crafts that were made...many, many crafts.

1. Architectural Display Pieces Tutorial
2. Natural Log Slices Coaster Tutorial
3. Crafting With Kids
4. Felt Gnome Finger Puppet Tutorial
5. Embroidered USA Quilt
6. Fabric Corsage Tutorial
7. Embroidered Watercolor Mason Jar Tutorial
8. Souvenir Postcard Artwork
9. Make A Wish Dandelion Embroidery Tutorial and Pattern

Thanks for being around this past year. 

Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year! I hope 2014 is a great year for you!

  2. Happy New Year Amy! You had wonderful moments and ideas in 2013, and I hope 2014 is just as great or even better! I do love that self portrait too. :)

    1. Thanks so much Maysem. I hope 2014 is great or even better for you as well.

  3. Happy New Year to my fave blogger! So glad to see you back today. My world is a crazy mess right now but I'm hoping to slip in a post or two in the next 24 hours. We'll see. (And maybe I'll even fix that no-reply thing one of these days... ;) )

    1. Thanks Elena. I enjoyed my break but am happy to be back. I can't wait to see what 2014 brings you!

  4. Happy New Year!!!!!!! Welcome 2014!!!!!

  5. Sounds like you had a pretty great year. I cannot wait to see what is in store for 2014.

  6. Happy New Year Amy! Your blog was such an inspiration to me in 2013 and I want to thank you so much for that:) Here's to another great year for While Wearing Heels and to all of your lovely readers!!

  7. I so love looking back at your posts and seeing how creative you are. The map is still one of my faves and I plan on making something similar...someday. :)

  8. Happy New Year! You had a huge year, I loved the quilt but I think the gnomes were my favourite and the bunny birthday was gorgeous :)

    Can't wait to see what 2014 holds for you :)

  9. Happy New Year!
    I am excited for 2014! I love all your craft ideas. And your stories too. Riley vs. the skunk #1 for 2013. ;-)

  10. Happy New Year Amy! I'm so loving those coasters, and the gnomes are still one of the cutest crafts I've even seen. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with this year.

  11. Happy New Year to you as well. Thanks for always being inspiring lady!

  12. Amy! I'm not sure how our blogging paths crossed but I certainly am glad that they did. Your comments bring a smile to my face and your blog inspires me.

  13. Hope this year is wonderful for you Amy! Can't wait to see the great crafts you bring us this year and Graces Birthday this year! I can't wait to see what you do for that!

  14. What a great accomplishment, to be in a magazine! And that's one of my favorite photos too. Oh, I had forgotten about that postcard "craft". Must re-read it!!!! I remember I loved the idea though.

  15. My favorite part of your blog was the photo sharing link ups. I really had fun participating in them. Your projects are always so inspiring and beautiful.

  16. No wonder that is one of your favourite portraits. Two very pretty ladies in such a natural pose!

  17. for some reason these just showed up in my blogger!! or maybe I just had a stevie wonder moment! luv them all


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