
Friday, June 28, 2013

This is Me - JUNE Self Portrait Link Party

The self portrait 'task' for June was to take either a new self portrait or an old one and add an inspiring quote to your photograph.

Last month, the theme was 'Me Time'.

Some told a sweet story. 

Reading with the Girls - Suburble
Tara from Suburble

Some made me laugh.

Mel from Mellywood's Mansion

And some, they made me wish their me time was my me time.

Tuula at The Thrifty Rebel

While Wearing Heels

Let's get this party are our linky rules:
  • There will be a link up here on the last Friday of every month this year, and the linky tool will remain open to your submissions until the last Friday of the next month.
  • Please link back to the permalink for your *This Is ME* blog post or flickr image, not just the general url for your blog or flickr stream.
  • Linked entries must be to a blog post or flickr image of your recent self-portraits, not just any old photo. Your photo does not have to relate to the optional monthly theme, but it does need to be a self-portrait.
  • Please do link back here to my blog either through a text link, or with my button found below to help encourage others to participate and grow our community.
  • And most importantly, be the encouragement you hope to receive and help build our self-portrait community! Please try to visit a few of the links of your fellow *This Is ME* participants and leave a nice comment--it only takes a few minutes and you may be inspired by what you see.
Well, that's get linking everyone! I'll see you back here on Friday, July 5th, for our July theme announcement, but in the meantime, keep showing us your stuff in the flickr pool.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Goodwill Hunting Roundup

It's been awhile but it's back.  So, without further ado, here are my most recent Goodwill finds.

I am a sucker for vintage handbags.  Ok, to be honest, this handbag isn't vintage but it certainly has that charm and character I am drawn too. 

So for $1.49, it's being added to my collection. 

I bought another flower frog.  It was .49 cents.  Perhaps the person pricing inventory coming in had no idea what it was.  I see flower frogs at the flea market all the time and they range from $5 to $10.

But my heart belongs to the metal flower frogs, like this one I did buy from the flea market.  The metal ones are perfect for displaying recipes or cards.

Letters (or numbers) also catch my eye.  I bought the two below for $1 (it was half off yellow ticket day).  Perhaps they were marked down because the G was backwards (just kidding!  checking to see if you are skimming or reading).

And lastly, I buckled and bought Grace this sweet and simple dollhouse for $2.99.

Why do I feel slightly guilty about this?  Well, we did just make a custom dollhouse for her 4th birthday, last year.

One that has an exact replica of the nursery we brought her home to.

But still, the Goodwill dollhouse was only $2.99.


What thrift store finds have you indulged in recently?

***You have probably heard that Google reader is going away July 1st, so if you have been following While Wearing Heels that way, now is the time to switch.  I would love to have you subscribe via email, or you can click the Bloglovin' box on my sidebar.  Bloglovin' is also a reader, it's the one I use to read blogs too.***  

Linked up to:

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Paper Star Garland

Paper Star Garland a quick and subtle decoration for the 4th of July or Christmas {it's never too early to think about Christmas, right?}.

To make a garland of stars, gather the following supplies:  stars cut from white cardstock, thread and a sewing machine.

I thread my bobbin with red thread and used blue on the spool, to give my white stars a patriot feel.  Push the stars through your sewing machine, one at a time, until you have the length of garland you want.

When you've finished, hang it up and admire.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Stars on Twine

A quick and easy decoration to enhance your 4th of July.  Paper stars strung on twine...A Fourth of July inspired project.

Gather the following supplies:  hole punch, twine, scissors and stars cut out of cardstock.

Punch a hold through the top of the star.

Knot the end of your twine.

Thread it through your star.

Hang and admire.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Salvaged Architectural Display Pieces

Looking to add a bit of character and style to your home decor, why not make some architectural display pieces.  

This easy to follow tutorial will help you take scrap pieces of architectural pieces and turn them into beautifully mounted one of a kind home decor.

First, find yourself some architectural pieces with interesting designs.  The flea market is a great place to find reasonably priced architectural pieces.

Depending on the size you wish to display, you may want to cut salvaged pieces of furniture.

To build your base, cut two separate square pieces of scrap wood 1/4 inch thick by two to three inches wide making the top piece smaller than the bottom and glue together.

Drill a hole in the center of the base.  Insert a steel or brass rod,  Drill a hole centered into the bottom of your architectural piece.  Connect the base with the salvaged piece.

Depending on the architectural piece, you may even opt to add an accent piece to finish the design.  Additional finishing pieces can be wood glued to the original piece.

The piece and base can be painted to match with a matte finish paint with some sanding for weathering.

When completed, display and admire.

For those of you admiring these architectural display pieces, there are variety for sale in the While Wearing Heels Etsy Shop.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Carrot Popcorn Holders

When throwing a bunny themed birthday party, carrots are a necessity, right?

Well, maybe not actual carrots. 

To make your carrots, gather the following supplies:  orange and green paper, scissors, tape and chop sticks. 

Cut out a cone shape out of your orange paper and a carrot stem topper out of the green paper.  Using tape, secure the cone closed.  Tape the bottom of the carrot stem into the orange cone.

Clip the tip of the cone making a hole slightly smaller than the width of the chop stick.  Insert the chop stick into the cone and pull it out through the bottom of the cone.  Tape the bottom of the cone closed, securing the chop stick into place.

Then, if you happen to be a blogger, you fill the carrot holders with popcorn and you take pictures.  If you happen to be a blogger that has a dog, well...beware, your photo shoot may be interrupted. 

If you aren't worried about taking pictures, just fill your cones with popcorn and enjoy.

They are the perfect addition to any bunny themed birthday party or Easter!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

While on vacation..

After Grace's bunny birthday extravaganza, we escaped to Wisconsin.

Although, we didn't stay here.

This sweet little play cabin, which was made by my dad, belongs to Grace and her two cousins.  Daily tea parties were enjoyed here.

Part of what I love about going to Wisconsin is that I have access to the Queen of Quilts, who helps me figure out projects like how to make a child's apron, which I will happily show you how to make (tutorial to follow...eventually).

The Queen of Quilts also taught me the basics of crochet and I began a crocheted baby blanket using a tutorial from Modern Grace.

It must have looked like fun because Grace insisted on crocheting her own blanket.  Of course, her attention span only allowed her to make a tiny scarf for her Barbie.

And, I was able to visit my embroidered USA quilt, which is next on The Queen of Quilts' long arm, waiting to be quilted.

Some other projects from the weekend included, a simple, no sew(!) kite shaped hair bow holder I had pinned from Ruffles and Stuff over a year ago.

I finished another ABC sampler.  Though, to be fair, I only had 7 letters that needed to be completed.  

AND, I finally drew up another Matryoshka doll.  I've only just begun to embroider her, since we return from Wisconsin.

Of course the week was filled with more than just craft projects. 

We took daily boat rides, enjoying feeling the wind in our, I mean ears.

Proud moments were experienced as I happily watched my sweet little girl catching fish (8 in total), with her grandpa, using hot dogs as bait because she didn't want to hurt any worms.

And, I was reminded, that life truly is made of the little moments.