Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Summer Showcase of Homes Recap

In case you missed any of the amazing 26 houses in the Summer Home tour last week, I put them all in one post for you to visit.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Grace's Big Girl Room - A Work in Progress

Grace's room is making the transition from a baby's room to a big girl room. 

In the transition, though, I have to decide what to keep out and on display and what to pack away. 

My mom, the Queen of Quilts, had made this adorable sheep quilt for Grace.  This quilt covered her crib and toddler bed up until now.

Of course, both the crib and toddler bed are now gone, making room for a twin bed.  We bought this headboard from Goodwill for $14.95 with the intention of painting it white and adding a decorative wood applique that has a slightly vintage feel.

We found the perfect sheets for her new big girl bed from Home Goods.  Hillcrest Ballerina Princess Toile in pink for only $19.95.

Though her sheep quilt will still have a place in her room, it certainly won't cover her twin bed so The Queen of Quilts will be making her another quilt.  Grace and I got to go fabric shopping, finding the daintiest of patterns ranging in colors from pink to green and a touch of yellow.

The Queen of Quilts always adds a label to the back of each quilt she makes.  Something personal, something meaningful, something to mark exactly how special the newly made quilt is.   

For this quilt, I created the label myself.  I embroidred 'let her sleep for when she wakes She will move mountains', a quote I have seen on pinterest countless times.  A quote so fitting to be added to a quilt that Grace will spend many nights sleeping beneath.

A bed alone does not make a big girl room, so when I found this beautiful print by Laurel Denise, one that is so fitting for Grace, I didn't hesitate to buy it (especially when I found out it was only $15 with shipping).

And, we'll finally be adding a chandelier to our 100 year old house.  Home Depot has this sweet chandelier for just under $100.


Fortunately, I found a ceiling medallion at Goodwill for $1.99 a few months ago.  It will get a coat of white paint and will be hung along with the chandelier.

Grace's bookcase will be getting a coat of light pink paint along the back and the shelves will display more big girl items compared to baby items.  *And, yes that is a TV you spy.  When your husband says, as you are decorating the nursery, if there is a TV in the baby's room, I will help with midnight feedings, you add a TV to the baby's room.

And, there will be some homemade 3 dimensional pink butterflies fluttering around her room. 

Just like every other room in our house, this room will be filled with thrifted and flea market finds, home made elements and frugal finds.

I look forward to completing Grace's room and sharing every detail.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Watercolor Embroidered Mason Jars

With mason jar crafts and creations all the rage, I how have finally succumb to the my own way, through embroidery.

These watercolor embroidered mason jars were inspired by Cresendoh, you can see the full tutorial at their site.

I took their tutorial and made a few minor changes.  Where they stamped a mason jar onto fabric to act as a pattern, I hand drew my mason jar.

Into an embroidery hoop, I layered the following:  my hand drawn mason jar fabric followed by a layer of batting and finally another layer of white fabric.

*Using a stem stitch, I embroidered the mason jar.  I used dark brown embroidery thread for the jar, gray for the lid, red for the lab and dark brown for the word on the label. {These steps were not included in the tutorial by Cresendoh.}

When my embroidery was complete, I applied blue watercolor, using the technique described by Cresendoh.

After a few trials and errors, I decided to leave my mason jar untrimmed until I applied the watercolor and it fully dried.  I feel like it left the edge of the mason jar and batting beneath cleaner.


When completely dry, I cut my mason jar out, cutting around the embroidered stem stitch I made outlining the mason jar.

I applied no fray to the edge of the 'grace' jar.  No fray was not applied to the 'hope' jar and you can see, over time, some fraying did result.

Attach some floral wire to the top of the mason jar. 

And hang.

And, I am absolutely in love with the results. 

I hope you'll decide to make some of your own.

If you liked this tutorial, make sure to check out my 'Make a Wish' embroidery pattern and tutorial.

Linked to:

{T} *From Dream to Reality Link Party ** Thursday Linky Party at Osie Moats * Be Inspired by Elizabeth and Co.   * Tutorials and Tips on Home Stories A 2 Z   * I gotta try that   * Off The Hook Link Party  * The Winthrop Chronicles  * Open Call Tuesdays on Salt Tree * Adventures of a DIY MOM * Take a look Tuesday at Sugar Bee Crafts * Blackberry Vine Tuesday To Do Party Coastal Charm * My Uncommon Slice Of Suburbia  * Tip Junkie   

{W}*Riverton Housewives Round Up  *Adorned from Above *Well Crafted Wednesdays *What I Whipped Up Wednesdays * Homemade by You Wednesday * Whimsy Wednesdays * The Fun In Functional * What I learned Wednesday * Someday crafts 

{TH} A Glimpse Inside  *  The Crafty Blogstalker * Made In a Day A Little Knick Knack * House of Hepworth's  * 52 Mantels *

Friday, July 26, 2013

This is Me Self Portrait Link Party

The optional self portrait theme for July was 'the great outdoors'.

Last month, the theme was more of a 'task' were I asked you to take either a new self portrait or an old one and add an inspiring quote to your photograph.  This proved to be my favorite theme to date.

I loved all the quotes that were added to the pictures...

Ashlee from Two Baby Blue

And they stories they told.

Megan from Our Pinteresting Family

And the significance of the quote paired with the picture.

Janiene from A Bunch of Bishops

So, now it's your turn, come out from behind the camera and share your self portraits.
While Wearing Heels

Let's get this party are our linky rules:
  • There will be a link up here on the last Friday of every month this year, and the linky tool will remain open to your submissions until the last Friday of the next month.
  • Please link back to the permalink for your *This Is ME* blog post or flickr image, not just the general url for your blog or flickr stream.
  • Linked entries must be to a blog post or flickr image of your recent self-portraits, not just any old photo. Your photo does not have to relate to the optional monthly theme, but it does need to be a self-portrait.
  • Please do link back here to my blog either through a text link, or with my button found below to help encourage others to participate and grow our community.
  • And most importantly, be the encouragement you hope to receive and help build our self-portrait community! Please try to visit a few of the links of your fellow *This Is ME* participants and leave a nice comment--it only takes a few minutes and you may be inspired by what you see.
Well, that's get linking everyone! I'll see you back here on Friday, August 2nd, for our August theme announcement, but in the meantime, keep showing us your stuff in the flickr pool.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Self Portraits - The Great Outdoors

The self portrait theme for July's link party (which starts tomorrow!) is the great outdoors. 

This summer, for the first time, I feel as if life is going by fast and time is passing quickly.  My sweet girl turned 5. 

 At the end of summer, she'll be going off to kindergarten.  


More of her 'first' will be experienced without me.

So, when Grace wants to play fairy,

I'll proudly and happily put on a pair of wings and savor this time with her (even with a crazy dog photo bombing the picture).

I am making more of an effort to get in front of the camera and capture these moments with Grace.  I still don't like having my picture taken but I've realized, it's not about me.

This self portrait challenge, for me, is about Grace.  I want her to have plenty of pictures, that will trigger these memories of happy moments I cherished spending with her.   Life passes quickly. 

Even if you decide not to join the self portrait challenge, get in front of that camera and capture some of the moments you are making with those you love. 

While Wearing Heels

Hope you see you back tomorrow.  Looking forward to seeing your self portraits.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Goodwill Hunting Roundup

It's that time of month where I show off my Goodwill finds.  Ready to see what I have found?

First up, I came across this Kids Kraft kitchen for $3.99.  The only flaw, it was missing a knob on the back splash.

There was also the matching refrigerator for $2.99.  Which was in perfect shape.

The only problem, Grace has nearly this exact fridge and stove, which we paid full retail for her 3rd birthday.

Since I didn't want to feel the guilt I experienced last month, buying a dollhouse

When we already have a dollhouse...

I called a friend, who came over and bought the kitchen set herself...for $7!

So, instead of buying the kitchen, and justifying having 2 kitchens, I bought this little bunny for .99 cents.  If you haven't already guessed after Grace's bunny themed birthday party, we have a thing for bunnies.

This bunny sits atop a basket which opens.  Inside, another bunny.

And that little bunny, goes perfectly with the newest addition to Grace's dollhouse.

With temps tipping up to 100 degrees (!), it seems the perfect time to shop for ice skates.  I picked up this pair, on half off anything with a pink ticket day, paying only $2! 

And, thanks to Bliss Ranch, I am already thinking about Christmas (in July!).  I might break my never having made a wreath streak and make Bliss Ranch's Ice Skating Wreath.  I just need to find some red laces now.

I also bought a glass jar, with a cork stopper, for $1.99 and a complete Scrabble game $1.99.  I added the Scrabble tiles to the jar for instant home decor.

And lastly, not a Goodwill find, but rather a Home Goods purchase, I found the perfect sheets for Grace's new big girl bedroom.

Princess - Ballerina Toile.  A twin bed set for $19.99.

Until next month, happy thrifting!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Summer Home Tour

Hello!  Welcome to the While Wearing Heels home tour.   Don't worry, you don't have to wear heels to join the tour.

Step right up and come on in to our 100 year old house!

Don't mind the no soliciting sign on the door. 

Most of the construction dust has settled in our house.  We've changed every room in our house by ourselves and on a budget...and, now that I have seen some of the beautiful homes in the summer home tour, I might have to get out my paint brush and tool belt and start again!

Our dining room, since we moved in, has been transformed twice...darn pinterest

No sew black and white curtains, flea market finds and decorative trim make this room special and complete. 

Our living room...

Has beautiful built in bookcases.

Perfect for displaying family pictures

and our favorite flea market finds.

Instead of showing off my bedroom, which has been slightly neglected, I'll share one of my favorite space in our house...My closet.

The custom shoe rack is my favorite.  If you like my closet, you have to check out the before pictures, they are proof ANYONE could have a closet like this.

This isn't the only custom closet in our house, Grace also has a custom closet with her own custom shoe rack.

Grace's room is currently in the transition from going from a little girl room to a big girl room.

Some things will stay, like her Grace quilt, and some will have to be packed up for safe keeping.  

The transition to big girl room starts on Thursday so make sure to come back in a few weeks and see what changes we've made.

Let's heat things up and head to the kitchen.

Our kitchen was gutted down to the lathe boards and built back up. 

And, though I love our kitchen, especially the green house window we added...

I am looking forward to repainting and adding a chandelier (read:  momma isn't going to know what to do with herself when only child goes off to school).  

From the kitchen, you can enter my other my favorite space in our 100 year old house...the pantry, though it looked nothing like this when we moved in

Besides for the hand painted stenciled walls, the addition of the library ladder (including its charming hardware) makes me wish it was socially acceptable to entertain in this space.

Our basement has a few special nooks, where my $3.99 Goodwill chair has place of honor.

I also have a craft nook, nestled in between a treadmill and a weight set (hence the TV above the Ana White desk we built).

Though I do have to share this space, I have tried to make my nook my own.  In addition to my LOVE sign, I also have a custom While Wearing Heels sign the talented Holly at Full Circle Creations made me. 


Lastly, come on out to onto our back deck.  We finally got around to decorating and updating it this summer.

We hung some curtains, added some barn wood foxes and made cushions for the chairs we found on the side of the road.

But the most impressive While Wearing Heels house, is Grace's handmade dollhouse, which includes a custom replica of the nursery we brought her home too.

Thanks for visiting!

Don’t miss the other bloggers on the tour this week.  There homes are beautiful and impressive.  Here’s the full schedule.

Monday, July 22
Atta Girl Says
The Happier Homemaker
Rain on a Tin Roof
Better with Age
Top This Top That

Tuesday, July 23
Mom 4 Real
Cedar HIll Ranch
Practically Functional
While Wearing Heels
French Country Cottage

Wednesday, July 24
The Lily Pad Cottage
Marty’s Musings
Confessions of a Plate Addict
Town and Country Living
Adventures in Decorating

Thursday, July 25
Good Life Of Design
A Stroll Thru Life
Worthing Court
Back Porch Musings
The Rustic Pig

Friday, July 26
Our Southern Home
The Everyday Home
Recreate and Decorate
Vignette Design
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